City of Saskatoon – Accessible Parking Review

Take part in engagement on the Accessible Parking Review. A survey is now available through the City of Saskatoon’s Engage page for the Accessible Parking Review. This survey is intended for the users of the City’s Accessible Parking Program and the opportunity to partake in the engagement process. Visit: The survey will be available…

SaskTel Wireless Accessibility Credit

Customers with a vision, hearing, speech, mobility, or cognitive impairment are eligible for a $15/month Wireless Accessibility Credit. This credit can be applied to all postpaid voice and data plans (voice-only, data-only, and prepaid plans are not eligible). You will be required to fill out an Accessibility Self-declaration form (PDF) Click the link or visit SaskTel…

Sasktel Accessibility Credit

SaskTel is opening up the eligibility for the Accessibility Credit (that was launched in 2017) to anyone that has a disability that impacts their vision, hearing, speech, mobility, or cognitive functions. Speech, mobility, and cognitive disabilities have been added to the list of eligibility. Customers with a vision, hearing, speech, mobility, or cognitive impairment are…

SCI Ontario presents: On the Road Again…

SCI Ontario presents: On the Road Again, Virtual Vehicle Modification show Building on 18 years of experience with vehicle modification events across the province, Spinal Cord Injury Ontario is excited to be hosting “On the Road Again” – our first virtual, Canada-wide Vehicle Modification Show. This comprehensive online event will provide content that will be…

Engagement on the Disability Inclusion Action Plan

The Government of Canada is consulting Canadians on how to improve the lives of Canadians with disabilities. Your feedback will support the development of the Disability Inclusion Action Plan. The Disability Inclusion Action Plan will focus on: reducing poverty among Canadians with disabilities getting more persons with disabilities into good quality jobs helping meet the Accessible…

Accessibility Commissioner and Chief Accessibility Officer – Governor in Council Appointments

Dear Stakeholders, The Government of Canada is currently seeking applications from diverse and talented Canadians from across the country for two full-time Governor in Council (GIC) positions for the Accessibility Commissioner within the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) and the Chief Accessibility Officer within Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC). The Government of Canada is…

National AccessAbility Week 2021

May 30 – June 5 2021 declared National AccessAbility WeekDisability Inclusion 2021: Leaving no on behind Find more information about NAAW at