Otter Creek Outfitters- First Mobility Challenged Bear Hunt
Bill Lehne and his “bucket list” experience on a bear hunt with Otter Creek Outfitters. Otter Creek Outfitters interviews Bill about his experience and how Otter Creek performed offering their first mobility challenged bear hunt, “It’s such good feeling to help you take something off your bucket list.” Bill shares about the experience and the…
Help the CHRC monitor the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in Canada.
The Canadian Human Rights Commission is Canada’s human rights watchdog, with a responsibility to both promote and protect human rights. As a part of that role, the Commission was recently given a new responsibility to monitor the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in Canada. In order to do…
Seniors Across Southern Saskatchewan Supported Though the United Way of Regina Seniors Response Fund
SCI Saskatchewan recently received funding through the United Way Regina Seniors Response Fund funded by the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program. The following video highlights our organization as well as a few of the other 20 non-profit recipients from across Southern Saskatchewan that benefited from the fund. View the full video here:…
Listen To Dis Produces New Web-Series with the Assistance of Creative Saskatchewan
Check out the latest project by Listen to Dis, a web series, produced with an investment from Creative Saskatchewan’s Web Series Grant. This project is the cornerstone project to increase professional opportunities for its members. Read all about this new initiative here.
Saskatchewan allows motorized wheelchairs for disabled hunters
Carla Qualtrough Speaks about creating the Accessible Canada Act
“I was a human rights lawyer before I got into politics and became really frustrated by having to wait until people were discriminated against before we could help them…”The Honourable Carla Qualtrough See the whole interview [less than 5 mins], plus insights on the Accessible Canada Act from The Honourable Senator Jim Munson, Frank Folino…
Cerebral Palsy Canada Network Survey
SaskTel Wireless Accessibility Credit
SaskTel is opening up the eligibility for the Accessibility Credit (that we launched in 2017) to anyone that has a disability that impacts their vision, hearing, speech, mobility, or cognitive functions. Speech, mobility, and cognitive disabilities have been added to the list of eligibility. Our website has been updated to reflect the change. The following…
Are You Ready to Be a ChairLeader?
SCI Sask is looking for ChairLeaders across Saskatchewan! The ChairLeader Campaign is designed for all types and sizes of entities such as Business, Organizations, and Hospitality Industries. Whether at a self-employed venture or a large corporation, SCI Sask will support you with an SCI Sask ChairLeader Campaign Connector, and provide challengeideas, an informative presentation, motivation…