Cerebral Palsy Canada Network Survey
Cerebral Palsy affects over 80, 000 individual Canadians and their families.
We have developed this survey with the goal of collecting information to address the complex health needs, social issues and barriers to inclusion that individuals with cerebral palsy face.
Would you be so kind as to distribute our survey among your social media and networks? One’s personal information and data will not be collected or shared to another party. We do not solicit and will only contact those that reach out and request communication.
Survey Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BTWC5RM
Should you have any other questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact the national coordinator.

Jaime Winkler
National Coordinator, Cerebral Palsy Canada Network
(A National Initiative of Cerebral Palsy Alberta)
Cell: (306) 530-0483
Email: jaime@cpcanadanetwork.com